Message from our Chair
To all our amazing CALD2LEAD supporters we wish you a very happy and optimistic 2023!
New scholars have been selected and are about to commence their Diploma of Governance; Florence Dato, Lan Diep and Youna Kim, now all 2023 Diploma commencement ready.
Our next round of ‘Expressions of Interest’ for scholarships will commence shortly.
We recently appointed our newest board member
Faye Shee-Durnion. It is our intention to recruit additional board members in 2023 and we plan to kick off a recruitment process in the 1st half of 2023. If you, or someone you know from the CALD community with governance, fundraising or legal experience and an interest in joining our board, please contact us at cald2lead@outlook.com.
In late November 2022 all our current scholarship recipients joined us & our partners – Trang Du (Two Square Pegs), Jess Case (Centre for Multicultural Youth – CMY) & our newly appointed Board member, Faye Shee-Durnion - recent graduate of the CMY Seat at the Table board observership program - and we heard many stories and anecdotes shared up and down the table.
We have ambitious plans, new scholarship offers, new partnerships on the horizon and a continuing commitment to fund scholarships for female CALD leaders with our aspiration ‘helping to strengthen

Pictured here is Dennis Banfield (Chair CALD2LEAD).
and transform communities’.
2023 marks our most exciting year yet. Stay in touch with our plans to expand the partners, pathways and impact our CALD leaders are making across the critical social issues, mentoring networks and top quality leadership programs they’re involved in.
Our cultural diversity is our strength and our leaders are inspiring a better future.
February 1 2023